What is plastic pollution?
It's plastic where it shouldn't be. It's in our seas and on our beaches and its causing them severe harm. The problem with plastic is also its benefit. It's very cheap to produce, durable and our consumption of it has reach heights that are unimaginable. Current estimates show that at least 8 million pieces of plastic enter our oceans every single day.
Plastic can reach our oceans through various different ways. Plastic you put in the bin ends up in landfill. Plastic is often blown away on it's way to being transported as it's so lightweight. After cluttering around drains, they enter our rivers and end up in our oceans.
Littering on the streets doesn't mean it will stay there! rain water and wind carries the plastic waste into streams and drains which again ends up in our oceans.

Who does is affect?
In the film 'A Plastic Ocean', Turtles are shown to have eaten plastic bags, maybe mistaking them for jellyfish. In fact, 52% of all individual sea turtles are predicted to have eaten plastic!
We now believe that Loggerhead turtles can sense a chemical called DMS to locate suitable foraging areas. DMS is usually associated with high densities of phytoplankton and zooplankton. As we have recently discovered, plastic can start to smell like DMS within just a few weeks of entering the ocean. This may be the reason why turtles are attracted to areas of high plastic density.

Plastic and Seabirds
Did you know that 99% of seabird species could ingest plastic by 2050. According to the United Nations, ingestion of plastic kills an estimated 1 million marine birds and 100,000 marine animals each year. Additionally, more than 90% of all birds and fish are believed to have plastic particles in their stomach.

We're running out of time and the time for action is NOW. The amount of deadly plastic in our oceans can treble if we do not act now. That's why at Gymflux we are prepared to take a stand and make the changes necessary today, for a better tomorrow. To find out more and get involved, contact us on info@Gymflux.co.uk.